People of Color are more likely to develop and die from certain diseases.

Underrepresented communities, including Black American, Hispanic American, and Asian American face increased risk of certain diseases.

This is partly because we aren’t included in enough health care conversations, clinical research, and education.

Learn more about the health conditions affecting our communities so we can use our voice to improve outcomes

It is important for us to make our voices heard for several reasons:

  • We’re more likely to develop certain diseases because we don’t know our risk facts and they often go unmanaged

  • We don’t always ask or get the screenings we need to help catch disease early so they can be more easily treated

  • We are often diagnosed at later stages when treatment options may be limited

  • We may be treated differently because of our background making it difficult to trust or understand the medical care we receive

  • There aren’t enough of us in clinical trials which is critical to make sure medical treatments and health care practices work for us
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