Make your voice heard.

People from our communities can be treated unfairly because of our cultural background, which can lead to worse health results. 

That is why it is so important to tell our stories and share them with other patients and health care professionals.

Everyone’s health care experience is different. Patients of Color may feel alone, unheard, or misunderstood. 

Belonging matters. Hearing about the health care journey of someone who “looks like you” might inspire someone to take action, and may improve their outcome.

Patient stories

When more people share their story, more power goes into the hands of patients.
Like Anita and Rosa, many of us are dependent on what the doctor tells us, and we don’t ask questions.

“I had no pain, I had nothing, nor did I have knowledge of what a fatty liver meant. So, I did not question my doctor as to what a fatty liver was, nor did my doctor indicate to me what changes in my lifestyle I had to make…”

—Anita, Fatty Liver Disease and HCC Patient

“I don’t see anything here that he has cancer in the spine and bones like the surgeon said. Let me call him […] By the time we got here to the house, the surgeon has called and he said: I’m sorry Michael, I didn’t read the right report.” 

—Rosa, Patient Caregiver

Mical, Cancer Survivor

“…People of color are disproportionately impacted by liver cancer.

But several of these risk factors ARE in our control. Be proactive. Take action. As a cancer survivor, I’m sharing my story with the hopes that you will too.” 

—Mical, Prostate Cancer Survivor

Interested in sharing your story? If you are selected, you will be paid for your time.

Frequently asked questions

Simply complete the form to schedule a brief introductory call. During this call, we will learn more about your personal experience and the story you wish to share.

If you are selected to participate in the CHMConnect patient story project, we will schedule a longer 1-hour virtual interview with you.

All patients are considered individually. We are looking for patients of color whose personal health care experience can help others in our communities.

Themes may include but are not limited to:

  • Your experience in a clinical trial
  • Your experience as a patient and your health care journey
  • Advice you have for others in your community
  • Sharing an experience where you may have been treated differently because of your background
  • Challenges with language or other cultural barriers
  • Your experience as a caregiver or family member
  • Anything else you want to share about your/your loved one’s care journey

Yes. Patients who are selected to participate in the 1-hour interview will be paid $150 for their time. The amount varies by project.

A typical interview lasts approximately 1 hour but may be slightly shorter or longer depending on the subject.

Interviews will not exceed 1.5 hours. Compensation will be the same regardless of time.

We prefer that you have a computer, laptop, or smartphone so video conferencing software, such as Zoom, can be used.

We understand that not everyone has access to these devices, so phone interviews may be considered in certain cases.

We prefer that you have access to reliable home internet.

We understand that not everyone has access to home internet, so other options or phone interviews may be considered in certain cases.

We may include your recorded interview online in our CHMConnect patient stories project.

The purpose of the CHMConnect patient story project is to improve the health care experience for patients of color through storytelling and shared experiences. The video may be edited for quality and length.

Connect With Us

Interested in sharing your story?
Fill out the form below to schedule a time to chat with us.
If you are selected to share your story, you will be paid for your time.

You can also check out our FAQs for more information.

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